  • ProTeach offers a personalised and friendly private home tutoring service within Nigeria.
  • Through our large network of highly qualified tutors in a wide range of subjects, we provide personalized services by determining individual learning styles.
  • Get the best tutors near you, communicate with the tutors, review feedback. We run extreme background checks on all our tutors. We also help to ensure you find the perfect fit.
  • Students have received thousands lesson hours through ProTeach. Our users report that it takes a week of personalised instruction from a ProTeach tutor to improve a step higher in learning.
  • You don’t pay for your first hour with any tutor unless you find a good fit. You can confidently start using a ProTeach tutor knowing that we work towards a 100% satisfaction rate.

CoCreation Hub, 6th Floor, 294 Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba.
Ventures Platform, 29 Mambilla Street, off Aso Drive, Maitama, Abuja.

Tel: 09061789866

Email: [email protected]

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our programs and how you can get involved

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